Wednesday, December 17, 2014

FRM-18122: Forms Builder Debugger failed to initialize

FRM-18122: Forms Builder Debugger failed to initialize

  • When you opening the Oracle Database 10g Forms Builder, suppose if you got an error like the following screenshot,
  • The Error is “FRM-18122: Forms Builder Debugger failed to initialize”

  • First, Select My Computer then click Properties by the time you will see System Properties window like the following Screenshot,
  • In that Properties window click the option “Advanced “. When you click that option then you will see like the following ,

  • In the Advanced tag, click Environment Variables button and you will see one new window like the following screenshot,

  • In that Environment Variables window, click the New button and you will see New User Variable window like the following,
  • In that New User Variable then add the appropriate Variable name and Variable value.
  • In Variable name box of the New User Variable window then type FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH.
  • In Variable value box of the New User Variable window then add the appropriate Oracle Database 10g Forms Class path like the following,
F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar;F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\java\frmall.jar;F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\java\frmall_jinit.jar( This path is Based on  where you Installed Forms In your System)
  • And again click New button, add one more Forms path like the following, in Variable name box type FORMS_PATH.
  • And in Variable value box then add the respective jar files of the forms path like the following ,
F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\java\frmall.jar;F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\java\frmall_jinit.jar( This path is Based on where you Installed Forms In your System)
  • Once finished these steps then click Apply and Ok.
  • After that again add these jar file paths into default.env file. Then go to respective Forms builder of the default.env file. Example like the following,
F:\DevSuiteHome_1\forms\server, and also refer the following screen shot
  • Click the default.env file.
  • Add the appropriate jar files path in FORMS_PATH, like the following screenshot,
  • Add the appropriate jar files path in CLASSPATH, like the following,
  • Once You finished all these steps, and then opens the Forms Builder that error will not occur.